
Canopi: Transforming Luxury Furniture Through U...

Sustainable Artisans Crafting Timeless Pieces Introduction In the heart of Luxembourg, where tradition meets innovation, Canopi has emerged as a beacon of sustainable design. This marketplace brings together experienced artisans who breathe...

Canopi: Transforming Luxury Furniture Through U...

Sustainable Artisans Crafting Timeless Pieces Introduction In the heart of Luxembourg, where tradition meets innovation, Canopi has emerged as a beacon of sustainable design. This marketplace brings together experienced artisans who breathe...

Under the Canopi – A Close Up on Fast Furniture

Under the Canopi – A Close Up on Fast Furniture

You have probably heard about Fast Fashion. Could Fast Furniture’s impact on the environment and the conditions of those who make it need our attention too?   

Under the Canopi – A Close Up on Fast Furniture

You have probably heard about Fast Fashion. Could Fast Furniture’s impact on the environment and the conditions of those who make it need our attention too?