
Canopi is a local marketplace for recrafted solid wood furniture hand remade in Luxembourg and the Greater Region, operating with circular economy principles. 


Canopi is born from the challenge of scouting for characterful solid-wood furniture in Luxembourg, during covid, as an expat - very quickly! Sarah sifted through all the second-hand furniture shops in Luxembourg and furnished her entire apartment with unique handmade pieces. She was also thrilled to evade fast-furniture! She is inspired by the biblical ethic to gather the fragments (repair, refurbish and reuse) and to cherish local craftsmanship.

Our Team

Canopi today is a three-legged stool of a team; Sarah (Foundress), her brother Patrick based in London (Tech and Sustainability) and Alain (Operations and Translator ++). Patrick is a circular economy enthusiast with a background in Sustainable Energy. He is based in London and helps with calculating environmental impacts, the website and all things relating to tech. Alain, is a quad-lingual Luxembourger, DIY enthusiast and a Bio-Chemist. He takes care of logistics and operations. Canopi aspires to contribute to no person being left behind in the Just Transition to a Circular Economy.

Our Mission

We want to showcase upcycled furniture for everyone, so we prevent the deforestation, biodiversity loss and landfill rise caused by creating new furniture. 

Our Ethos


We enable the salvage of vintage furniture by repurposing for the modern home. We will foster the conservation of skills and craftsmanship evolving to meet contemporary nesting needs.


We showcase handmade upcycled pieces of furniture with joy and beauty and accentuate the skilful craftsmanship of artisans


We scout for exceptional artisans who can refurbish solid wood furniture and objects to suit the contemporary home.


We are working to reduce, record and reveal  the ecological impacts of purchasing pre-loved and upcycled furniture compared to brand new pieces.


We champion circularity in furniture industry by shifting from the linear usage model to closing the loop by enabling the refurbishment of furniture heading for landfill or incineration.

#Recraft your nest sustainably